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Master's Achievements

Dance Sport Club Master is one of the most award and championship winning clubs in Finland.

During its time of existence it has trained and raised many fine dancers. Many of Master’s students have won competitive dancing tournaments at a national international and global level.

The victory of our juvenile competitors in Riga.


A traditional international tournament was held in Riga on 30.04-1.05.2017, which gathered the strongest dancing couples of the Baltic countries.

The main success of our club was the performance of Nikita Shchurov and Angelina Ignatieva who won the tournament in their age category Juvenile 1, and also successfully performed in the older age category Juvenile 2, becoming semi-finalists in the Standard and finalists in Latin.

Finnish Open 2017 at an unattainable height!


The President Tarja Halonen and Professor Pentti Arajärvi at the main tournament of our club.


The President noted the highest organizational level of preparation of the tournament, which celebrated its 5th anniversary in 2017 and gathered more than 1500 dancers from 35 countries.

Champions of Finland in Standard


The victory of Anton Kurttila and Nina Anderson at the Finnish Standard Championships in the category of adults, which was held in Vantaa on Feb 25, 2017.

Our dancers at the Finnish Championships in Latin 2017.


Finnish Championships 2017 in Latin American dance program was held on January 28, 2017 in the city of Salo.

It was our club that brought the largest team to this competition, consisting of 14 dance pairs, which showed a brilliant result.

The main achievements of this championship:

Mikko Kemppe and Johanna Raatikainen won the championship gold in the Seniors category.

The finals of the category Juvenile Open Class were represented by 4 couples from our club and, moreover, the whole pedestal was won by the couples from our club.

In the category Junior 1 3 pairs of our club were in the final of the tournament. Rodion Mudarissov and Ksenia Shaykhulina won silver in this category.

The Gold of Grand-Prix of Finland


Our dancing couples won 2 gold and 1 silver medals at the Grand Prix of Finland, which was held in the city of Seinäjoki on 12.11.2016.


The first place in the Seniors category in the Latin American dance program was taken by Mikko Kemppe and Johanna Raatikainen.


The first place in the category of adults in the European dance program was occupied by Jacopo Casotto and Jenni Heikilä.


The second place in the category of adults in the Latin American dance program was taken by Markus Ranta and Alisa Heino.

Timo and Katja take gold in Dresden.


Timo Lindfors and Ekaterina Krutovskaya-Kauppinen won the international tournament in Dresden on 6.11.2016 in the category Seniors 2 Latin American program.

"Master" recognized as the best club in the region of Greater Helsinki


The Helsinki Region Championship with dancing couples from the Greater Helsinki region, including Helsinki, Järvenpää, Vantaa, Espoo, Lohja, Nurmijärvi, Vihti, Kirkkonumi, Porvo and Vantaa, was held 29.10.2016. 


The representatives of our club have demonstrated brilliant results in many age groups. An undoubted leadership of our dance couples in many categories allowed our club to win the title of the best in the region of Greater Helsinki with a big gap from the rest of the clubs.

Rodion and Ksenia win the Tallinn Trophy 2016!


27-28.08.2016 Rodion Mudarissov and Ksenia Shaykhulina won the international tournament in Tallinn in the age category Junior 1 Latin American program.

Best children's and junior's teams of 2016

Our club's children's and junior's teams won the National Age Group competitions in Salo on the 22nd of May 2016. In the team competitions our club showed its superiority by winning both team competitions.

Out of 16 child teams Master's both teams got into the finals winning the 4th and 1st places.

Out of 13 junior teams Master's both teams made it to the finals winning the 3rd and 1st places.

Success at the children's tournament 2016!

Finland’s Latin dance children’s championship had a total of 18 participating pairs. Dance Sport Club Master’s 4 pairs made it to the finals and won the four top places 4-1.

Junior-1 category Finnish championship

Out of 33 participating pairs three of our dance duets made it to the tournaments finals. In the Latin-American program our pairs Rodion Mudarisov – Kseniya Schaihulina won gold, Niko Oreshkin – Polina Gutsol took the 4th place and Aleksei Savolainen – Emilia Schurova got the 6th place.

In the European dancing program our pairs Rodion Mudarisov – Kseniya Schaihulina got the 4th place and Niko Oreshkin – Polina Gutsol made it to the 6th place.

We are the champions of 2015!

During Finland's championships in 2014 our club won 3 out 4 available gold medals. Our competitive dancers won in the age groups of juniors, young adults and seniors.

Senior World Champions 2015!

European Masters Games were held on the 4th day of October in the city of Nizza.


During the masters games there was a competition for the world championship in Senior's 2nd category in Latin dance program. Our couple Timo Lindfors and Ekaterina Krutovskaya-Kauppinen won the senior's competition and once more became the champions of the world!

Gold at the world championship tournament in Senior-2 category 2016!

Our pair Timo Lindfors and Ekaterina Krutovskaya-Kauppinen were recently defending their world champion title at a tournament in the senior-2 dancing category. During this tough competition they proved once more to be the best and won the world title for the 4th time.

Leevi and Ksenia – Finland's champions in 10-dance!

On the 7th and 8th of November 2015 there were 10-dance Finland's championship tournament organized in Oulu.

10-dance is a hard and long competition mode. During this contest a couple must compete with both 5 dances of European and Latin dance programs.

During the Oulu national tournament our pair Leevi Isotalo and Ksenia Schaikhulina won gold in 10-dance junior-1 category.

A couple representing Finland is winning the World Champion title for the first time in 2014!

For the first time in history of Finnish competitive dancing a couple won the world championship of Latin-American dancing program in senior-1 category.

Results of this sorts have been reached by one of our club's couples Timo Lindfors and Ekaterina Krutovskaya-Kauppinen. They together with their trainer Sergey Belayev have been practising non-stop for these results for over 5 years already.

Best children's dance team of 2014!

On the 25th of May 2014 a national children's tournament was held in Jyväskylä. In the tournament the children were competing for the titles of best dancers and best dancing teams. Dance Sport Club Master's children's team was the best in this tournament.

Children's series Finnish champions of 2014!

A couple representing our club Rodion Mudarissov – Ekaterina haimi won the Finnish nationals in children's series on the 24th of May 2014.

Finnish championship gold of 2013!

On the 4th of May 2013 in Jyväskylä national tournament our pairs won two golden medals out of three.

​Our very own Dmitrii Borovski and Aleksandra Kuutchin left the tournament with a golden medal in junior's category.

​In the seniors category the first place went to our club’s Timo Lindfors and Ekaterina Krutovskaya-Kauppinen.

Best children’s series dancing team of 2012!

On the 9th of December children’s and junior’s series team competitions were organized in Tampere.


Our club together with a club from Turku won the children’s team competition. Together we showed that our clubs have the best children’s teams in the country!

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