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Steps of training in the DanceSport Club "Master".

Every parent wants to understand the development prospects for his/her child and the way in which they can move in the chosen kind of activity.


Our club has a clear structure for parents' and students' better understanding, which forms motivation and helps the child and parents objectively assess the level of development at different stages of development.


Below is a diagram that shows the levels of dance education and the direction of the child's development.

The first level or the preparatory stage of dance training is suitable for everyone since it forms physical qualities necessary for all dance directions. The skills acquired at this stage will make it easy to learn a more detailed information in the chosen dance direction.


Next, you and your child can choose the direction of dance specialization, which you can move on further. During the learning process, you can change the specialization by changing from the couple dancing to solo direction and vice versa.


Group classes are organized according to the structured program and information is given to all participants in the same way. Assimilation of information during the group lesson depends directly on the child and his preparedness, which is formed by his family and environment.


In order to move to the next level, the child will need to successfully master the program of the previous level. The leading teacher informs the parents about this at the end of each stage of training. For everyone this is purely individual. Some require one season, others 2 or 3 seasons. In any case, repetition of the materials always gives a positive effect! As the saying goes: "Slow and steady wins the race.!"

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